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Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 22, 2020

Nice and thin to fit in a lunch box without taking too much room up. Wish it would stay colder for longer but 6-7 hours is ample.

Reviewed in Canada on September 8, 2018

A lot smaller than I imagined. Fits in the palm of your hand. Inside the plastic it appears to be just water .... Can't confirm that though.... But it sure does seem like water as it doesn't really last long. It's not like other brands where inside it looks gel-like inside and the pack lasts longer than a bag of ice that melts quickly.I can only give it enough stars to say it is cheap price for 4 , and doesn't leak. But expect the performance of cooling your kid's lunch box as good as just a bag of ice. Only this doesn't leak.I would try to find a proper cool gel pack that lasts longer than ice water._________Update since further use:. I will need to up these to 5stars. Perhaps I didn't initially freeze them long enough. After 7 days of usage and ample freezing, ... I have to say these last a respectably long time. From 8am to 3pm (typical school day), the packs are still slushy!! So still pretty cool in the lunch bag. I will recommend these ice packs now with full 5 stars. Because it is really a great time price for 4.Note that I'm using basic landsend lunch bags for all of my kids. These lunch bags have a moderate thick insulation . Nothing special.

Reviewed in Canada on July 5, 2019

I've been using these along my small-ish "Thermos" lunch box (more of an insulated bag, really). It has 2 sections, the "main" one and the "bottom" one. I put 1 of these coolers per section and here are my findings:I work from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, meaning I am in the car at 7:30 AM the latest.At 10, the coolers are still frozen or near-frozen.At 12, the coolers are "cold" and so is my food. However, I've had mixed results with drinks* (More on this below)At 3, the coolers are fully thawed and are at room temperature.*With drinks... a milk-based shake was actually cold (fridge cold) at 12, I thought that was insane. However, a water-based kiwi smoothie was merely "fresh" not quite room temperature (I work in an office) but not quite "cold". So expect some differences if you regularly take a drink to work. Personally I'll start putting more than 1 of these coolers per section next time I bring a drink!Overall, very happy with my purchase. They are thin enough they fit even on small lunch bags but they stay cold for most of my morning that I definitely notice a difference! However, they only last about 3 to 4 hours "cold". Hence my 4/5 score.

Reviewed in Canada on July 12, 2019

There's not much to say about a decent ice pack - it keeps things cool and doesn't leak. They aren't very thick and thus don't last as long as larger ice packs, but it's easy to slide them in next to containers so you can use multiple if cooling is needed for a longer period of time. They're sturdy enough, too - so far, the ones that have been accidentally dropped on the floor haven't cracked open, so they can take some rough handling.

Reviewed in Canada on February 11, 2018

They do an OK job of keeping my food cool for a reasonable time: from 7:30am to 1:00pm. The great thing about them is that they are slim and fit into my already packed lunch bag. However, sometimes I put more than one ice pack to make sure my food will stay cool.

Reviewed in Canada on November 14, 2016

Great little ice packs. I pack my son's lunch about 7 a.m. and these are still chilled when he comes home at 3:30 p.m. Also good for stacking in between containers, if you use a tall lunch bag. Been using them about 3 months and we haven't had any leaks or problems.

Reviewed in Canada on March 18, 2019

These ice packs are perfect for work lunches. They are durable, easy to clean and easy to use. There, I used all the words.They have a hole in the middle, I would assume so they do not expand when frozen as some other ices packs do. The skin design does not impact longevity of coldness, as food stays cold all morning until lunch break.Five stars all around.

Reviewed in Canada on September 30, 2020

Bought for my five year old daughter's school lunches. Love that they cover more surface area than the sticks but are thinner and flatter than typical ice packs. They lay nicely in her lunchbag and the center hole makes them easy for her to grab and move as needed.

Reviewed in Canada on July 20, 2018

Got these specifically for muscle therapy for sore muscles. ie: spot treatment for triceps then wrap in a towel. It may be a bit bulky than a gelpack, but I don’t mind it cuz it’s actually cold! The gelpacks aren’t cold enough IMO.Downside is it melts quickly! Or my body just emit too much heat??!

Reviewed in Canada on August 10, 2020

Not sure why it asked me to review “warmth” as they are ice packs. These are great though. Perfect for the lunch box and also for little bumps and bruises. The colours are cute. I put two in with my kid’s lunch and they keep it pretty cool.

Reviewed in Canada on October 23, 2017

I bring two with me each day for lunch and keep the other two in the freezer. I rotate them daily so they wear out more evenly.Slim, liquid filled ice packs, a brilliant idea. Previously I was using the ice pack bags, but since they are made of plastic bag they degrade and break over time.Since these are made of a thick sealed plastic container I expect them to last a long time, much longer than the cooler bags

Reviewed in Canada on August 13, 2020

Got this to keep my dogs food cold for travel and it works GREAT. I freeze them overnight, then pack away with my dogs food for about 8-10 hours. I was surprised how it kept the food cold all day, and they’re in small square sizes so they can fit in pretty much anything.

Reviewed in Canada on July 8, 2020

They are as they as described, they are thin and keep items cold. They freeze quickly but thaw in an insulated lunch bag even quicker.If you look around at Dollar Stores you will find very similar products for much cheaper.

Reviewed in Canada on December 23, 2020

Cute colorful icepacks for the price.Depending on your lunch box size, you might need to use more than 2 since they are rather thin (they come in a package of 4). But overall, they keep my lunch at a cool temperature during my 8 hours shift, including my plastic water bottle.

Reviewed in Mexico on December 6, 2017

Creo que no duran tanto como uno espera, el líquido que tienen dentro sólo sirve para unas 2 horas y se derrite dejando que la comida se caliente.Creo que debí escoger unos más grandes.

Reviewed in Canada on June 1, 2020

These are awful. Only stay frozen for a couple hours (if you're lucky) in an insulated lunch bag. You'd pretty much have to use all 4 if you wanted your drinks or lunch to stay cold up until noon. Not worth the money at all. Do not buy.

Reviewed in Canada on July 19, 2020

These are great. I use one on the bottom of my husband’s lunch back and one on top to sort of sandwich the food between the two ice packs. They are slim, light weight and freeze quickly.

Reviewed in Mexico on February 29, 2020

Este producto lo utilizo en una lonchera para mantener fríos mis alimentos.Lo que no me gustó es que no se mantienen mucho tiempo congelados debido a que en su interior trae agua.

Reviewed in Canada on November 25, 2020

Did well to keep their lunches cold and fit well in their lunchboxes of varying sizes. Super easy to clean.

Reviewed in Canada on October 18, 2019

Happy with product.. however not sure how frozen they will stay during summer months.Overall product is what it states to be on website. Size is perfect for lunch bags. Not to big and bulky.

Reviewed in Canada on August 24, 2020

Bought this product with a lunch bag, I’ve been using it for 1 months, keep my food cool for at least half day.

Reviewed in Canada on March 23, 2020

Great for lunch kits!! Replaces the broken Costco lunch kit ones. Lightweight. Narrow ice packs but work well

Reviewed in Canada on July 20, 2020

They are small but they work good for a small lunch box or to help keep drinks cold in a small cooler.

Reviewed in Canada on July 27, 2019

Ice pack super pratique et de belles couleurs pour garder mes lunchs frais :)

Reviewed in Canada on July 19, 2020

These are great especially for a small lunch bag. They keep your food cold for hours, and they don’t sweat and make all your stuff wet like other ice packs do. Would definitely recommend!

Reviewed in Canada on September 9, 2017

I bought these for two of my grandchildren for their lunch bags for school. They are nice and compact and take up very little space in their bag so that there is more room for their lunch and snacks. Great idea!

Reviewed in Canada on September 13, 2020

Bought it the 2nd time. Useful and keeps food cold for a long time.

Reviewed in Canada on December 14, 2018

They do the job for my kindergartners lunch however they do swell when frozen. It's almost like there isn't enough room inside for the liquid to expand.

Reviewed in Mexico on August 12, 2019

Al ser de agua y no de gel, se descongela muy rápido y no mantiene tanto el frío

Reviewed in Mexico on August 20, 2018

Muy buen producto si lo que requieres es mantener fría tu comida por un periodo corto ya que al ser agua no dura tanto tiempo

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