


Large stainless steel head for smoother sauces and batters; Ergonomic handle with comfortable finger grip; Polished stainless steel 18/10 handle; Hang loop on handle for easy storage; Lifetime warranty

- All Clad T135 Stainless Steel Whisk, 12-inch, Silver
12 inches
Item Model
Technical Specification
Manufacturer: ‎All-Clad Cookware
Model Number: ‎8700800662
Package Dimensions: ‎31.7 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm
Package Weight: ‎0.3 Pounds
Batteries Required: ‎No
Batteries Included: ‎No
Brand Name: ‎All-Clad
Brand: All-Clad
Sold by: NINISA
All Variant
Size Variations
Colour Variations
Variation Details

Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2016

Love it!

Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2016

Love it!

Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2015

Just what I was looking for.

Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2015

Just what I was looking for.

Reviewed in the United States on December 4, 2014

Wow. I'm not a big All-Clad pan fan, but, oh, their utensils ....!!! Very nice stuff! I have three pieces and they're all beautiful and very well made. I would not hesitate to buy again.

Reviewed in the United States on December 4, 2014

Wow. I'm not a big All-Clad pan fan, but, oh, their utensils ....!!! Very nice stuff! I have three pieces and they're all beautiful and very well made. I would not hesitate to buy again.

Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2017

You cannot go wrong with this. Whether it is All-Clad pots and pans, or kitchen utensils. All Clad is amazing and has the best quality on the market.I've had people try to upsell me on other stuff, but only All-Clad has proven the test of time and lasts forever.

Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2017

You cannot go wrong with this. Whether it is All-Clad pots and pans, or kitchen utensils. All Clad is amazing and has the best quality on the market.I've had people try to upsell me on other stuff, but only All-Clad has proven the test of time and lasts forever.

Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2017


Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2017


Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2017

I would give it 5 stars if it was made in the usa. I really want to give it 1stars because its made by communist but I really like the whisk so i'll give it 3 stars. Come on All-Clad.

Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2017

I would give it 5 stars if it was made in the usa. I really want to give it 1stars because its made by communist but I really like the whisk so i'll give it 3 stars. Come on All-Clad.

Reviewed in Canada on September 2, 2018

I've just treated myself to these luxury pots, and even though they are a bit on the heavy side and my wrists suffered at first, I can't describe just how pleased I am with them. They are such quality! I especially notice it in the frying pans: I cook on gas which is notorious for being unable to maintain a simmer so I do still have to use my Simmer Mat, but these new pans fry over all the surface at the same heat so you don't get hot spots and have to keep moving the meat etc around all the time - one benefit of this being the nice bits of browning produced. It enables you to do other things too, like making a sauce or a salad while the meat is cooking since it doesn't have to be watched so carefully.Maybe it's my imagination, but the pots seem to respond more quickly to upping or lowering the temperature too, perhaps for the same reason.And the big Dutch oven! If you're an avid jam maker, you'll be in jam heaven! Again, no hot spots. So much less chance of the jam 'catching', so less worry about whether to stir or not, just Is It Set Yet??The only downsides I've encountered so far are firstly, that they don't have a vent in the lid, and also that the lid handles can get quite hot. And secondly, these pots are not light-weight, but they're not going to be considering the specifics of their manufacture, which make them a must for top chefs.It was a lot of money, even though Amazon offered a hefty discount at the time I bought them, but excellent value, and I'm thrilled with this purchase.

Reviewed in Canada on September 2, 2018

I've just treated myself to these luxury pots, and even though they are a bit on the heavy side and my wrists suffered at first, I can't describe just how pleased I am with them. They are such quality! I especially notice it in the frying pans: I cook on gas which is notorious for being unable to maintain a simmer so I do still have to use my Simmer Mat, but these new pans fry over all the surface at the same heat so you don't get hot spots and have to keep moving the meat etc around all the time - one benefit of this being the nice bits of browning produced. It enables you to do other things too, like making a sauce or a salad while the meat is cooking since it doesn't have to be watched so carefully.Maybe it's my imagination, but the pots seem to respond more quickly to upping or lowering the temperature too, perhaps for the same reason.And the big Dutch oven! If you're an avid jam maker, you'll be in jam heaven! Again, no hot spots. So much less chance of the jam 'catching', so less worry about whether to stir or not, just Is It Set Yet??The only downsides I've encountered so far are firstly, that they don't have a vent in the lid, and also that the lid handles can get quite hot. And secondly, these pots are not light-weight, but they're not going to be considering the specifics of their manufacture, which make them a must for top chefs.It was a lot of money, even though Amazon offered a hefty discount at the time I bought them, but excellent value, and I'm thrilled with this purchase.

Reviewed in Canada on January 25, 2021

Arrivé dans les temps et comme sur la photo, produit de belle qualité

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